16 New SMAP Products Now Available

GIBS now has Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) layers available for soil moisture and temperature, snow mass, heterotrophic respiration, and more.

From soil moisture and temperature to snow mass to heterotrophic respiration, 16 new Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) layers are now available in GIBS!

See here for all of the layers pre-populated in Worldview with the exception of Freeze/Thaw, which you can view in Arctic Polar Stereographic mode.

The full list of new products is:

  • Soil Moisture (L3, Active)
  • Soil Moisture (L3, Active/Passive)
  • Surface Soil Moisture (L4, 12z Instantaneous)
  • Surface Soil Moisture Uncertainty (L4, 12z Instantaneous)
  • Surface Soil Temperature (L4, 12z Instantaneous)
  • Snow Mass (L4, 12z-3z Average)
  • Gross Primary Production (L4, 9 km Grid Cell Mean)
  • Root Zone Soil Moisture (L4, 12z Instantaneous)
  • Root Zone Soil Moisture Uncertainty (L4, 12z Instantaneous)
  • Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange (L4, 9 km Grid Cell Mean)
  • Heterotrophic Respiration (L4, 9 km Grid Cell Mean)
  • Percent of Potential Vegetation Light Use Efficiency (L4, 9 km Grid Cell Mean)
  • Percent Frozen Area (L4, 9 km Grid Cell Coverage)
  • Disaggregated Brightness Temperature (L3, Active/Passive, H Polarization)
  • Disaggregated Brightness Temperature (L3, Active/Passive, V Polarization)
  • Freeze/Thaw (L3, Active, Arctic Polar Stereographic)

The "Active" and "Active/Passive" products are available from April 15, 2015 through July 7, 2015. The "L4" products are available from March 31, 2015 through the present and will be available on an ongoing basis.

Last Updated