The Multi-Mission Data Processing System Study is being conducted to identify the best model for an open Mission Data Processing System (MDPS) to support upcoming NASA Earth science missions, particularly the coordinated missions comprising NASA's Earth System Observatory (ESO). The study will identify a data processing architecture that not only meets future mission science processing objectives and supports Earth system science, but also promotes open science principles and enables data system efficiencies.
The study comprises several phases, with each phase building on the results of the previous phase. In keeping with NASA open science guidelines and objectives, all phases in the study are open and encourage participation by the broader science and data processing communities. Phase 2: Design Review and Architecture Study is scheduled to conclude in fall 2024.
Phase 1: Identifying a Recommended Mission Data Processing System
The objective of Phase 1 was to evaluate and assess various system architectures and develop a recommendation for an architecture that would best serve future missions and data users. Two public workshops were conducted. Workshop #1 focused on collecting NASA stakeholder objectives and mission requirements. Workshop #2 studied practices across NASA and other agencies for developing science data processing systems. The information from these workshops was used to inform and identify potential architectures that could meet the study objectives. A technical trade study was performed along with a programmatic trade study of different architectures. The results from these studies were then combined to establish a final recommendation.
The recommendation of the study team is for upcoming missions to develop their own MDPS using a common architecture and services that are provided and managed by an overarching Multi-Mission Organization (MMO). The MMO will establish standards across missions and develop and deliver infrastructure, data catalog, analysis, and (potentially) processing services. This MDPS is designated Type 2 (Managed Services), Variant 4 (encompassing infrastructure, data, catalog, and analysis and processing services) and written as T2V4.