The level-2 MODIS Temperature and Water Vapor Profile Product MYD07_L2 consists of 30 gridded parameters related to atmospheric stability, atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles, total atmospheric water vapor, and total ozone. All of these parameters are produced for both daytime and nighttime conditions at 5-km pixel resolution when at least 9 FOVs are cloud free.
The atmospheric profiles are produced at 20 vertical atmospheric levels (5., 10., 20., 30., 50., 70., 100., 150., 200., 250., 300., 400., 500., 620., 700., 780., 850., 920., 950., 1000. mbar) The water vapor parameter is an estimate of the total tropospheric column water vapor made from integrated MODIS infrared retrievals of atmospheric moisture profiles in clear scenes. The thermal band 9.6 micron is used for retrieving total ozone burden.
The shortname for this Level-2 MODIS atmospheric profile product is MYD07_L2 and the principal investigator for this product is MODIS scientist Dr. Paul Menzel ( MYD07_L2 product contains data that has a spatial resolution (pixel size) of 5 x 5 kilometers (at nadir). Each MYD07_L2 product file covers a five-minute time interval, which means that the output grid is 270 5-km pixels in width and 406 5-km pixels in length for nine consecutive granules. Every tenth granule has an output grid size of 270 by 408 pixels.
MYD07_L2 product files are stored in Hierarchical Data Format(HDF-EOS). Twenty eight of the 30 gridded cloud parameters(5-kilometer pixel resolution) are stored as Scientific Data Sets (SDS) within the file, the remaining two algorithmic static parameters (band number and presure level) are stored as Vdata(table arrays). Cloud Mask SDS, derived from the 1-km MYD35_L2 Cloud Mask parameter, is remapped to 5-km resolution, by using only the center 1-km pixel in the 5x5 pixel retrieval array. The remaining two (band number and static pressure levels) are stored as Vdata(table arrays) Each file is roughly 8 MB in size, and the total data volume is approximately 2 GB/day.
MYD07_L2 Data Group and Parameters:
Spatial and Temporal Resolution:
Latitude and Longitude
Scan start time
Solar and Sensor Viewing Geometry:
Solar zenith and Solar azimuth angle
Sensor zenith and Sensor azimuth angle
Static Algorithm Parameters:
MODIS band number
Pressure levels Atmospheric
Surface Pressure:
Retrieved Geopotential Height Profile
Tropopause Height
Surface Elevation
Surface Pressure
Atmospheric and Surface Temperature:
Guess and Retrieved Temperature Profiles
Brightness Temperature and Skin Temperature
Atmospheric Moisture:
Guess Mixing ratio Profile
Retrieved Dew Point Temperature Profile
Atmospheric Stability Indices:
Total Totals, Lifted Index, and K-index
Atmospheric Trace Gases:
Total Ozone Burden
Total Column Precipitable Water Vapor - IR Retrieval
Total Column Precipitable Water Vapor - Direct IR Retrieval
Water Vapor(Low and High)
Retrieved Water Vapour Mixing Ratio Profile
Quality Assurance and Statistical Parameters:
Quality Assurance Parameters
Run time QA flags
MODIS Cloud Mask Processing Flag
These parameters are very essential in the characterization of the atmosphere, atmospheric correction of remotely sensed surface parameters, and prediction of convective clouds and thunderstorms.
For more information about the MOD07_L2 product, visit the MODIS-Atmosphere site at: