Twenty-five tipping bucket rain gauge pairs were deployed during the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Ground Validation (GV) Iowa Flood Studies (IFloodS) mission taking place in Iowa during April-June 2013. Along with the disdrometers these rain gauges provided an additional means for directly measuring rainfall during the campaign. The Model 380 Precipitation Gauge, which is manufactured by MetOne Instruments, Inc., was used. The Model 380 gauges have a 30.5 cm diameter catchment funnel and a resolution of 0.2 mm of liquid water for each tip. Petersen, Walter A, Ali Tokay and David B Wolff. 2014. GPM Ground Validation Met One Rain Gauge Pairs IFloodS Version 1 [indicate subset used]. Dataset available online from the NASA Global Hydrology Resource Center DAAC, Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A. DOI: General Characteristics Publication date: 2014-07-22 Retirement date: 2016-07-24 Version: 1 Collections: GPM-GV IFloodS Products Projects: IFLOODS Platforms: GROUND STATIONS Instruments: RAIN GAUGES Terms: PRECIPITATION Processing level: 2 Format: ASCII Coverage Red dots or areas indicate coverage range. Location: IOWA Spatial resolution: 30.5 cm North boundary: 43.37 West boundary: -93.5 East boundary: -91.18 South boundary: 42.28 Temporal resolution: DAILY Start date: 2013-04-01 Stop date: 2013-12-27 Documentation Retired Dataset: Retired data available on request only Guide:… PI Documentation:… Quality-controlled and Cubic Spline interpolated rain rates from IFloodS ASA gauges NASA0026-0050 PI Documentation:… Quality-controlled and reformatted rainfall data taken from IFloodS NASA gauges NASA0026-0050 Homepage: The home page for the project or program which sponsored the dataset DOI for V1: Citing data: