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The Airborne Data Management Group (ADMG) was established within the Interagency Implementation and Advanced Concepts Team (IMPACT) to facilitate faster access to airborne and field campaign data through development of an Earth Science Division (ESD)-wide approach to airborne data management and stewardship. ADMG works with Earth Venture Suborbital (EVS) teams, Research & Applications (R&A) research teams, and NASA Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) to assist with communication and data transfer while also improving policies, procedures, and best practices to ensure quicker and more effective data archival and distribution to users. As EVS-3 projects are wrapping up, the increase in speed and efficiency of data transfer is evident.


165 past and current campaigns have been identified of which 41 need to be placed at DAACs. ADMG is adding metadata for each campaign, platform, and instrument into a relational database for improved cross-DAAC discovery and understanding of NASA airborne and field data. The Catalog of Archived Suborbital Earth Science Investigations (CASEI) provides users with detailed contextual information and data product access for at least 60% of the campaigns with additional campaigns continuing to be added. 

Solution Characteristics

Thematic Areas
Atmospheric Composition, Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems, Earth Surface and Interior, Land Cover and Land Use Change, Ocean and Cryosphere, Water and Energy Cycle, Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics


Societal Impact

NASA's ADMG built and currently maintains CASEI, a solution for search, browse, discovery, and the provision of contextual details critical for the re(use) of airborne and field campaign observations collected over a half century; this enables efficient findability, access, and increased scientific return on agency investments in these irreplaceable data.


Solution Resources

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