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ESDIS Weekly Metrics: December 9, 2024

ESDIS_Weekly_Metrics_1_ December_09_24


The volume distributed to end users per day, as a running average over the last 4 weeks, is 4.127 times the volume added to the archive per day.

LANCE Data Latency

ESDIS_Weekly_Metrics_2_ December_09_24


  • Higher product latencies for:
  • MOPITT-TERRA on December 1, 2024, due to Terra suffering a mechanical failure.
  • VIIRS-SNPP-Atmosphere and VIIRS-NOAA-20-Atmosphere on December 4, 2024, due to a processing delay.
  • SMAP L-BAND RADIOMETER-SMAP on December 5, 2024, due to an overnight system pause.
  • VIIRS-SNPP-Land on December 5, 2024, due to read/write errors.
ESDIS_Weekly_Metrics_3_ December_09_24
ESDIS_Weekly_Metrics_4_ December_09_24


  1. Latency for a data granule is defined as the time taken from the midpoint between the start and end of acquisition of the data for that granule to the granule’s being ready online for users to download. 
  2. Duration covered by the data for a granule is defined differently for different instruments (e.g., MODIS granules are 5 minutes long while OMI NRT granules are 13 to 136 minutes long).
  3. Over the last 4 weeks, over 95% of NRT data requests for all instruments except for 6 instruments (OMI-AURA, OMPS-SNPP, SMAP L-BAND RADIOMETER-SMAP, VIIRS-NOAA-20-Land, VIIRS-SNPP-Land, and VIIRS-NOAA-20-Atmosphere) were satisfied within 3 hours. OMI-AURA, OMPS-SNPP, SMAP L-BAND RADIOMETER-SMAP, VIIRS-NOAA-20-Land, VIIRS-SNPP-Land, and VIIRS-NOAA-20-Atmosphere over 78%, 78%, 81%, 94%, 80%, and 92% of the NRT data requests were satisfied within 3 hours, respectively.

Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS)

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GIBS_Weekly_Metrics_1_ December_09_24