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ESDIS Weekly Metrics: November 18, 2021

EOSDIS Science Data Metrics

Graph of metrics.
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1. The volume distributed to end users per day, as a running average over the last 4 weeks, is 3.1 times the volume added to the archive per day.

LANCE Data Latency

Graph with LANCE metrics in different colors
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  1. Higher product latencies for:
    1. MISR-TERRA on 9 November are related to temporarily paused processing of MISR-TERRA data.
    2. VIIRS-Suomi NPP (Atmosphere) and VIIRS-JPSS-1 (Atmosphere) on 11 November are related to scheduled systems maintenance on 10 November, causing a delay in processing.
    3. MODIS-AQUA, VIIRS-JPSS-1 (Land), and VIIRS-Suomi NPP (Land) on 10-12 November are related to system maintenance on 10 November, delaying data generation.
    4. OMPS-Suomi NPP on 10 November are related to a power outage during scheduled power maintenance of the computer room.

Graph of LANCE metrics in different color lines
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  1. Latency for a data granule is defined as the time taken from the midpoint between the start and end of acquisition of the data for that granule to the granule’s being ready on-line for users to download.
  2. Duration covered by the data for a granule is defined differently for different instruments (e.g., MODIS granules are 5 minutes long while OMI NRT granules are 13 to 136 minutes long).
  3. Over the last four weeks, over 95% of NRT data requests for all instruments except for five instruments (LIS-ISS, MODIS-AQUA, OMPS-Suomi NPP, VIIRS-JPSS-1 (Land) and VIIRS-Suomi NPP (Land)) were satisfied within 3 hours. For LIS-ISS, MODIS-AQUA, OMPS-Suomi NPP, VIIRS-JPSS-1 (Land) and VIIRS-Suomi NPP (Land) over 80%, 93%, 93%, 94%, and 72% of the NRT data requests were satisfied within 3 hours, respectively.

Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS)

Bar graph with yellow horizontal lines
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Table with days of the week on left and metrics on right
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GIBS in the Cloud (GITC)

Four column table with (L to R) Date, Requests, Unique User IP, Bytes Served
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Three columns (L to R): List of countries, Total, percent of total; pie chart on far right
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Metrics from previous weeks are organized by week, and users can access the ESDIS Weekly Metrics Archive.