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The Distributed Information Services for Climate and Ocean Products and Visualizations for Earth Research (DISCOVER) project aims to provide highly accurate, multi-decadal geophysical products derived from satellite microwave instruments. These products are suitable for some of the most demanding Earth research applications and are available via easy-to-use display and data access tools. Most of the products are generated in near real-time, so they also are suitable for some weather applications and field campaigns.

DISCOVER ocean products are derived simultaneously from microwave radiometer measurements and delivered as a package of interrelated geophysical parameters, including: sea surface wind speeds, atmospheric water vapor, cloud liquid water, and rain rates.

DISCOVER is a collaboration of Remote Sensing Systems (RSS), NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, and the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). RSS, located in Santa Rosa, California, specializes in satellite microwave remote sensing. Information Technology researchers at UAH and the Marshall Earth Science Department jointly manage NASA's Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center Distributed Active Archive Center (GHRC DAAC), which provides a suite of data services and other technologies. For many years, RSS and GHRC DAAC have provided the Earth science community with research-quality data products and services while leading the evolution of distributed, heterogeneous, and collaborative processing and distribution environments.

Access related data via RSS: 

  • MSST-ESDR: Microwave-derived through-clouds Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs)
  • VW-ESDR: Sea surface Vector Winds derived from both scatterometer (active) and polarimetric radiometer (passive) microwave satellite measurements
  • AT-ESDR: Atmospheric Temperatures from microwave sounders. This data includes temperatures for five different layers in the troposphere and lower stratosphere
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Credit: Remote Sensing Systems