Earthdata Blog

A deeper dive into NASA Earth science data.

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The NASA Worldview Snapshots tool enables users to easily create satellite imagery subsets for anywhere in the world.

Jillian Ethridge, a metadata curator with the Airborne Data Management Group, shares her experience with NASA's Student Airborne Research Program.

During the pandemic, IMPACT director Rahul Ramachandran started exploring new AI algorithms such as generative adversarial networks to create art.

IMPACT intern Melanie Sharif combined philosophic, probabilistic, psychological, and computer science approaches to research mitigating bias in machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Users can now integrate HLS True Color and False Color Composite Imagery from Landsat 9 in addition to Landsat 8.

Meet five IMPACT high school summer interns who created a program that helps users operate the workplace messenger app Slack more efficiently.

Submit an abstract for the session Tending the Treasure Trove: Advancing Stewardship for Non-Satellite Earth Observations.

Two IMPACT interns conducted research using satellite imagery.

The Python package allows users to interface with the ImageLabeler tool as they label datasets for use in machine learning training.

IMPACT members led a workshop on best practices for training machine learning models on high performance computing workstations and using cloud technologies to infer from the trained models.