Data Analysis, Discovery, and Visualization

Tools and resources which assist in the retrieval, manipulation, and display of Earth science data. 

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A girl stands next to a tree covered in webs in a heavily flooded area in Sindh, Pakistan.
Resource manager Rafael Manzanero stands atop the great temple at Caracol Archaeological Reserve, located inside the Chiquibul National Park. (Photograph by J. Houston courtesy Rare)
A famer in southern St. Elizabeth, Jamaica prepares his field for planting his next crop of potatoes
Nomadic people, such as this woman and her cattle, formed the pastoral society common in Kazakhstan before the Soviet Union converted thousands of acres to large-scale modern farm operations.
Tai Lue farmers construct a traditional diversion dam in Sipsongpanna, Yunnan Province, Muang Long. (Images courtesy of John Hartmann).