The ongoing evolution in data, software, and computers is transforming the core tools of science and changing both what questions scientists ask and how they find the answers. IMPACT team scientist Dr. Chelle Gentemann is the first author of the research article “Science Storms the Cloud”, published in AGU Advances, which examines these trends and their implications for open science. We sat down with Dr. Gentemann to get her insights into the central themes of the article.
For decades, the method by which scientists worked with data was to download and analyze the data on their local computers. This imposed hurdles to collaboration when other scientists did not have access to the same localized data, software, and computers. It also provided a de facto advantage to scientists at larger institutions with faster internet connections and ready access to computers. Now, more data are being stored and analyzed on the cloud, allowing scientists to share their software. Open access in the cloud means that anyone can access a remote cloud computer using their web browser. This makes it easier to collaborate because everyone can access the same data, software, and compute resources. Also, more people can access powerful computers and do open science. Dr. Gentemann emphasizes that this is a different way of doing science but as with any new approach, there are potential drawbacks. Care needs to be taken that this new way of doing science includes a broad diversity of people so that we get better answers to our science questions, and faster than ever before.
Dr. Gentemann points to an example of this dynamic in the Binder project which combines open software and cloud computing to advance reproducibility and simplify sharing among teams. Through a simple web browser window, Binder connects users, in one-click, with an interactive cloud-based JupyterHub running a user-specified collection of computational notebooks.